A downloadable game for Windows

New and improved from V1 come the V2 demo!
Play as Ebony Floe, a young museum assistant afflicted with an unusual family curse that makes her inflate at random times and in random ways who still has to go to work by helping deliver some things.  Manage your Spirits and mood as you deal with the effects of everyday life and the curse in the new map!  For more details on how the game works, refer to the readme text file in the main folder.

This is a second more polished, but still very early proof of concept version of a game I hope to flesh out more in the future, with further improved assets as well as more mechanics/things to do and story content.

If you would like to generously donate to this project, I've now opened a SubscribeStar that you can donate to here: https://subscribestar.adult/puff-knight

Additional gameplay clips:

Rated 4.3 out of 5 stars
(32 total ratings)
Tags3D Platformer, Adult, Singleplayer


EbonyFloeDemoV2.zip 150 MB

Install instructions

extract all files once the zip has been downloaded.   Run EBFGame.exe to start the game.  You may be prompted to install prerequisites.  If a window pops up saying "windows protected your PC"  click "more info" and then click "run anyway"

Development log


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hey dude can ı download v3

(1 edit)

wow nice animation bro ı like her face you did great 👍

v3 demo




Hey puff, can I ask you if you know what the stage of progress is ? I'm starting to little bit lose hope for the update to come out any soon

(1 edit) (+3)

I'm really sorry for the wait! >.<
I've finished a major milestone in the construction of the map that I've been working on, so I'm now finally able to start to put in gameplay elements into the map, thus the game is finally getting very close to having a new version released
I'm trying to work as quickly as I can to get everything ready
I've still been having to keep an eye on my leg condition, which is making things slightly slower, but the game is very much on good track


Okay that good, don't worry about that, health is always more important!

(1 edit) (+2)

Sounds great, thank you for continuing to work on this and good luck with your condition!


take your time puff. don't risk your health to much


hey puff_knight are you ok?


He is


he is what ?


..... He is ok, unlike you

Hi puff sorry to bother you with this, but do you have any idea when the update would come out ? I'm pretty hyped for it


Sorry for the late reply, I was at a hospital. I'm afraid it might be a fair while still, since major medical problems with my ankles have been hindering progress.  Thankfully I'm now receiving treatment, so hopefully the pace of progress will increase


Oh okay don't beat yourself up about it, hope you heal up soon !


yikes take all the time you need. wish you luck 

hey it seads i need dx11 feature level 10.0 is required to run the game so i cant play it ;w; and i love the game i saw it on youtue

I'm afraid you're going to have to find a way to install dx11, which I think is usually available via Windows update.  Other than that, I'm afraid to say I don't really know how else to help

(1 edit) (-2)

hey puff-knight how its going?

I just played this for the first time and I love what you have so far!

Thank you!

(1 edit)

i see the game really atractive but i can't play due to an error that doesn't allow me to play, it's about a low level fatal error, and an uknown file, does someone know how to solve it?


are you ok dear puff knight :(


they are just fine my guy check out the subscribestar page :) 


puff you are so silent this days


You understand that projects like this can't be knocked out in under 2 days or less. it takes time too make video games work. Just be patience and the game will be out, Just be thankful that there exists something like this in this "community" at all, considering that there's nothing like this game too begin with. Just have something else too focus on and this be out in all due time. 


she is too big 


This is why you don't press the debug inflation button (Y) more than once before pressing the rest button (H)


but what are you working on now

(1 edit) (-2)

well ok

How do I play this game?


You go around and deliver items from 9:00-12:00 and 13:30-17:00 in-game time while managing your character's state , there is a readme file in the main folder that has more detailed information
I'm sorry for the readme file being very long, but it has all the information needed to know how the game is played and what everything means


Hey puff are you okay ?


I'm doing alright, I've just been a bit slow with development lately ^^;
But the game is still progressing!


That is good to hear, take your time


ummm puff knight are you ok

where are you 


every time ı inflate her the bar getting faster ı can catch it


puff knight can you remove the fast inflation bar please


puff knight can you make infinite inflation please no limit or maybe you can make infinite option button 


I'm afraid that making infinite inflation is practically impossible, at least in a way that will look decent, and I have no plans for it anyway


oh ok


puff knight whats you plan on this demo or v3 maybe full game

They're working on a new version currently, it will probably take a bit, but they give updates pretty regularly.


sorry, missed your comments somehow
As said by someone else here before, I'm currently working on making the next version of the game and it's going to be quite a while yet before it comes out.


good luck for makeing next version

With the way inflation works, I feel like there should be a bit more consequence to just waiting for your inflation potential to go down before trying to deflate. Maybe as inflation potential goes down while inflated, you can slowly inflate depending on how much potential you have so the longer you wait to make the mini game easier, the more you'll inflate and potentially become full sphere.

can you male this work on chrome

I don't have plans to develop a web-based version (I don't think it will be able to run very well as a web version anyway), sorry


if you compare v.1 to v.2 there's no contest, you did a really good job on this and I can't wait to see how the game improves. Seriously good work.

Thank you!  ^^

(1 edit)

oh and is there any way of me getting a project file of at least v1 ? I know this is very annoying question and almost nobody would do that, but I am very begginer to ue4, and I would really like to experent with the inflation mechanics, I would also really like to learn how did you make it, there are no tutorials on inflations anywhere, and you could even kill me if I would upload it somewhere, you would have my word for sure


I'm afraid I'm not going to go and give you the codebase, though I might make a tutorial video on how I created the inflations for my model, though I still need to figure out how to approach it properly

(1 edit) (+1)

That would be super helpful

thank you, I'm waiting for more.

when will it be approximately?

I don't have a real timeline for what's next atm, I'm afraid


This is a very cool game I like it. I hope you will work on the mechanics of the inflations and improve it to make it look even more spectacular. But I have one question. How to survive at night? All the canteens are closed at night, so I go back to the game and I can't live more than one day.


You go home upstairs, and press E on the bed to sleep


I'm glad you enjoyed it! ^^  And yeah, as Kuba38CZ has said earlier, you can find your bad at your home (unfortunately there isn't much to indicate which house is yours besides it having clear windows/door way as well as being near the large untextured boxes in the street and the red person)

(1 edit) (+2)

This game is awesome, good work, I will definitely be hyped for v3, but could you please add some kind of a menu to inflate body parts ? Just for fun and testing the game mechanics, so you could choose which part to inflate, how fast to inflate and when to stop ( body, butt, breasts, belly ), and maybe inflate infinitely, that would be really fun to mess around


Thanks!  I will try to improve the inflation mechanics where I can

I'm still postulating about how the sandbox mode will work


The sandbox mode could have just that menu as I said, just to inflate the ebony just how would you like, and some kind of a terrain like in v1, maybe level editor would be really cool, but also hard to make, one more thing, could you make some kind of an option in the settings to turn of the embarrassment while inflated in front of the pedestrians ? It is really annoying while messing around, also making the ability to save the game. I know I am saying a lot of things for you to make, but those are only some ideas that I think are cool, also i found a bug, when you are already inflating, and somehow inflate again ( eating food while inflating ), it plays the inflating sound forever, but even though, really good work, I play it all day, just don't hurry, take your time, and stay safe 🙂


hey puff ummm v3 is ready or full game


It'll be ready when it's ready

(1 edit) (-1)

what are the buttonling  for The Tale of Ebony Floe Preview Demo V1 game ? and make more of your The Tale of Ebony Floe  games like it ? and good job on your game 1 and 2 :) ?and kepp makeling more of your expansion games stuff you7 do a good job on it and keep makeling more expansion games stuff it is good :)


You keep posting this, and it doesn't get any more readable each time. I'm sorry to say, but I just can't make out what you're trying to ask?  What's a "buttonling"?  Are you asking for the button mappings?  They're in the readme files of their respective games.  I'm glad you like the games and content I make, tho


oh ok and do you have steam ? and i like to add you on to my steam frends list ? my steam name is jt inktoling ok and keep makeling more of your expansion games inflation games you do a good job on it and keep makeling your inflation games expansion gamesgames it is good :) ?


i would like to see perhaps some outfit options? or a free sandbox mode?


I do plan to add those in the future~ ^^

Will there be blueberry inflation? like through eating a pie. Or maybe drinking milk and growing udders/larger breasts 


I don't plan on adding blueberry as a main mechanic,  maybe as an easter egg someday.  I don't quite plan on adding the milk feature either, I'm afraid.

Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago

Will this ever get a Mac release?

I have no timeline for a Max release atm, I'm afraid

Rip being able to actually play the demo


your game and lore around it is pretty interesting. i like to see what interesting things you will add and the story 


Thanks!  I hope to be able to show more of that in the near future ^^


hey are you working on the tale of eboby floe v3 or full game ?


I've been taking a bit of a break from development, but I'm going to resume development soon!  I'm planning on at least updating this version and/or making a v3,  though I do plan to continue trying to make the full game as well in the long run


I agree with the other people's suggestions of a sandbox mode, also for some reason the colors are all messed up


What's happened with the colors?  Can you show me a screenshot?

well to put things simply the colors are not what they are supposed to be, they're somewhat inverted, somewhat random, I've had the same problem with another game made in Unreal Engine but I was able to fix it by pressing Alt+Enter, but that game let me play windowed or full screen while this game forces me to play fullscreen which prevents the fix I was able to use for that game, as for the screenshot the colors look normal in it despite being broken in-game

F11 should put it into windowed mode, if not I'll have to go and put that in myself as well.  Though weirdly enough left alt+enter seems to also be a command recognized by windows as a windows mode command.

In either case, something may be wrong with your GPU or its drivers.  I have no possible way of knowing how to diagnose what could be causing this on my end.

I tried F11 and got the same result, the screen "flickered" as if it was trying to go into windowed mode while having the right colors but immediately went back to fullscreen with the messed up colors, next update may to include a windowed/fullscreen toggle


Upon further research, I've found that this seems to sometimes happen to Fortnite supposedly sometimes due to updates to the game.  It appears to be an issue to do with a combination of hardware/drivers and software.  I'll have to look further into the issue, but I still recommend trying to figure out if your GPU or its drivers might have a fault of sorts that prevents them from running Unreal reliably.  I would recommend searching up posts from people talking about such issues with Fortnite and seeing how well the fixes they share work for you here.


hey are you workin on the tale of ebony floe v3 or full game ?


looking good so far! But may i suggest the addition of a sort of sandbox mode/area? The purpose would be to practice the platforming elements and experiment with the inflation/deflation features


Thanks!  I'm certainly considering adding in such a mode into the game in the future ^^


if you do, I had an idea on how to access it.  I thought maybe you could make floe's backyard door closed instead of open, you could have the player interact with it to tp them to the sandbox area

(1 edit) (+1)

That's certainly an idea~

I think I may have it available in a different way in the end, though


great job with the game maybe you could add some costumes on it for more variety


Thanks!  I certainly do plan on adding some more outfits in the future ^^


Love the game, so far. I do want to ask what the big butt does?


Atm, butt doesn't really do anything special except make you a bit slower in general like the other non-spherical expansions.  I am postulating different ways of giving it a special effect


If I can give an idea, maybe make it so that holding down the mid air dash button can make you bounce high and continuously with your booty, but you won't be able to dash forward.


I'll certainly consider this idea~  Thanks! ^^


Game looks great so far, big improvements from the last patch i played, i adore the inflation minigame, I am totally not losing them on purpose to blimp up hahaha, really fun game so far hope to see more work on it in the future, id also love to donate at some point if you accept donos <3

Thank you very much! I'm glad you're loving it so~ I am thinking of trying my luck with opening a patreon soon ^^


This game already needs a map.

(1 edit) (+1)

I do agree after hearing from others that the game could do with having a map that can be pulled up.  I will add one in the future when I can.


no need to rush a map or worry too much after 30 minutes of playing it becomes very simple to remember locations and navigate !

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